Prayer intercessor assaulting the gates of hell

Prayer intercessor assaulting the gates of hell
Jude 9c

John 1:39

John 1:39
"Come and see."
JOHN 2:5
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Who am I

Who am I
I am also a you

Using the inter-net for corporate fishing.Praise the LORD!

Thank You,ABBA!

"I and The Father Are One"

"I and The Father Are One"
Jesus Won

May The LORD Bless you...

In The Name of The father,His Son & The Holy Spirit!

So you say!

What I say matters less,at times...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Water Walking in Full Resurrection Power


Eight years ago,and one day,this day,I was in a man induced coma,with internal temperature of 68 degrees farenheit: I had suffered from respiratory failure and died,as the mitral valve in my heart blew open to shreds,as was discovered in the open heart surgery.

I was on life support for 3 days. 
God let this take place for many reasons,as I can now 'see'.

Titanium was used to replace flesh in heart,atrium was also cut away to some degree,as it was diseased.
One of the top cardiac surgeons in the USA was there! His specialty? Mitral Valve!!
I need o take Coumadin the rest of my days,a very scary drug:was once used as rat poison:remember what Jesus Said in  Luke 10:19?"Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you."Red Letters.

Though I was as dead,I was standing straight up,even as my body lay on the OR table..
there was 'light' all around a fine dining table so long I could see no ends. On it was fine linen and candles of white yet gold..I have no mortal words,dear reader.
The foods on the table I knew a few of,most I have not seen on this world in all my days.
The foods were HUGH!! Very much so.
All around this was a darker than dark.

I fell face down on a big Foot..with my peripheal vision,I saw toes,so I know I fell on His Foot,for yes,He was in that dark-coma with me(look how He took Adam's rib...coma.)

When I was revived ,may hours later(one day!) I first thought I was dead,then I saw a clock and I knew why I had lived;
Christians had prayed for me:one even had came to me in life support room:she shouted "I have come in The Name of Jesus.For 12 1/2 hours!
I have no more words of man to talk with you about this matter.

Just know this:I was saved but still carnal:He let me Live so I could Be Loved and Wanted and turned from carnality:I did not do that!  Jesus' Spirit did that!

This is a draft that I am using for a clearer testimony of God's Great Grace.
Here is a fact of my history:that specialist cardiac surgeon was placed there,for me. Father-God Knew..for the illness was congenital(born with):yes,His enmey did try to kill me at birth,when my husband beat me, when I had this surgery and many more times these past 8 years and 1 day...

I ask you this: Do you know Jesus or just know about Him?
This is your heart's Life(soul,love) at stake for the spiritual war is all about you! We are the reason for the John 3:16-17.
I beg of you,get a Bible,find a Bible based group with fellowship and get into His Kingdom:become Kindom people(yes,Kin-dom,) His Royal Family

May He Who Breathes in you Bless us Be in all we do.
Byebye,for now