Prayer intercessor assaulting the gates of hell

Prayer intercessor assaulting the gates of hell
Jude 9c

John 1:39

John 1:39
"Come and see."
JOHN 2:5
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Who am I

Who am I
I am also a you

Using the inter-net for corporate fishing.Praise the LORD!

Thank You,ABBA!

"I and The Father Are One"

"I and The Father Are One"
Jesus Won

May The LORD Bless you...

In The Name of The father,His Son & The Holy Spirit!

So you say!

What I say matters less,at times...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

God Gives me songs

"So dark, so cold in the borrowed tomb,
causing many to shudder and fear...
then up from the grave You Arose with hell's keys
and set all who believe to be freed."
T.S.Lamoureux aka pastor T
April 7, 2012 A.D.

A.D.>after Jesus as opposed to B.C.> before Christ..
many have altered that to C.E.> common Era..
an insult to one such as I  for Jesus is anything but common!
I pray a Blessed holy week for all, Passover,
Resurrection Sonday(no typo) and
first fruits, praise the LORD, Jesus is LORD