Prayer intercessor assaulting the gates of hell

Prayer intercessor assaulting the gates of hell
Jude 9c

John 1:39

John 1:39
"Come and see."
JOHN 2:5
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Who am I

Who am I
I am also a you

Using the inter-net for corporate fishing.Praise the LORD!

Thank You,ABBA!

"I and The Father Are One"

"I and The Father Are One"
Jesus Won

May The LORD Bless you...

In The Name of The father,His Son & The Holy Spirit!

So you say!

What I say matters less,at times...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

When Channukah Stayed for Christmas 2011 A.D.

Ok,so Christmas came and went..did Christmas not be all you hoped for? Are you a lost lamb?Run to your first love,little lambs,Jesus!

Ok,so Christmas came and went..did Christmas not be all you hoped for? Are you a lost sheep? Need some holy Fire??

Ok,so Christmas came and went..did Christmas not be all you hoped for? Are you a shepherd? Christmas Spirit Is NOT gone:do not pack it away until next year!
So,only one came to Jesus,not 100...did you not read He rejoices over that one? Yes,all heaven stops and watches Jesus rejoice...go on,you were called into this Mission..I too 'feel' burnt out many times,I remember,I walk by faith,not feel...I too am saddened to see the flock fall into darkness called depression...what else is there to do but pray and take action:It is not "WDJD?" Read your Bibles we preach from! Come now,in the quiet of the early morning,have some not got up when he awakens us at 3 or 4 am??Truth be told..
For we who tend the flock,we best remember what He Commanded us"Love one another even as i have Loved you!"
Let Christmas free,not hidden in a closet until next year

Merry Christmas all year long,Blessed ones!
From The Kingdom Living People of 
SOS Mission Unit #10

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas 2011 A.D. Worship music:


or A.D.
anno Domini

An abbreviation used with a date, indicating how many years have passed since the birth of Jesus. The abbreviation may appear before the date (A.D. 1988), or it may appear after the date (1988 A.D.). It stands for anno Domini, a Latin phrase meaning “in the year of our Lord.” (CompareB.C.

Latin Phrase:


When Jesus altered time!
Genesis 1..He Made time..
Thus,we take time for Him!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Shalom,first draft

When we pray for 'The Peace of JeruSalem',we are ,in essence asking that God's Beloved Israel recognize and submit to Y'Shua,King of The Jews as well as King of kings.

Father-God we ask that during this 'season',You cause many to enter into Your Kingdom Come,we ask and thank You in The Great Name of Jesus,amen.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

John 3:16 AND 17

I am a first generation American born woman of God.
I grew up as a Torah Jew. But my Mom ,from socialist-become Nazi Germany suffered much for this. She had no school friends due to her being a German ,a "Hun". She would not teach us any  language but English,from this 'shame'.. what shame? That because of the Nazi's she was looked upon,as a child as evil!

I am witnessing this yet again,Anti-Semitic,Anti- Arab, Ishmael,whose mother called my God "The God Who Sees", against Isaac.

How very many Arabic speaking people are condemned by many who say they are of Jesus,but are not,they lie.
There is a city in the middle east with the name Islamabad. This does not mean all the residents are Radical Islam.,
Father-God,we thank You for sending Jesus,that we may communicate with You. Please help us to remember John 3:16.
Thank You,LORD Jesus. Amen

Thursday, December 1, 2011


John 1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2:The same was in the beginning with God.3:All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.4:In Him was life, and that life was the Light of men.5:And the Light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not."

John 10:22-23

22"And it was at Jerusalem the Feast of the Dedication, and it was winter.
23:And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's Porch."

The shortest day of our modern calendar is December 21st,a solstice:the 
earth is closer to the sun than any other day...
I believe it is possible that Y'Shua was 'conceived' in the* spring time(sowing season),near the equinox,Passover season: I also believe if this is correct,He would have been born near December 21.

I do note He died as the Passover Lamb.

Genesis 1

 14:"And God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years;
15:and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth"; and it was so."

* I will even go so far as to believe that His cousin,John was conceived in autumn*,The New Year and harvesting