Prayer intercessor assaulting the gates of hell

Prayer intercessor assaulting the gates of hell
Jude 9c

John 1:39

John 1:39
"Come and see."
JOHN 2:5
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

John 3:16 AND 17

I am a first generation American born woman of God.
I grew up as a Torah Jew. But my Mom ,from socialist-become Nazi Germany suffered much for this. She had no school friends due to her being a German ,a "Hun". She would not teach us any  language but English,from this 'shame'.. what shame? That because of the Nazi's she was looked upon,as a child as evil!

I am witnessing this yet again,Anti-Semitic,Anti- Arab, Ishmael,whose mother called my God "The God Who Sees", against Isaac.

How very many Arabic speaking people are condemned by many who say they are of Jesus,but are not,they lie.
There is a city in the middle east with the name Islamabad. This does not mean all the residents are Radical Islam.,
Father-God,we thank You for sending Jesus,that we may communicate with You. Please help us to remember John 3:16.
Thank You,LORD Jesus. Amen

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