Prayer intercessor assaulting the gates of hell

Prayer intercessor assaulting the gates of hell
Jude 9c

John 1:39

John 1:39
"Come and see."
JOHN 2:5
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Who am I

Who am I
I am also a you

Using the inter-net for corporate fishing.Praise the LORD!

Thank You,ABBA!

"I and The Father Are One"

"I and The Father Are One"
Jesus Won

May The LORD Bless you...

In The Name of The father,His Son & The Holy Spirit!

So you say!

What I say matters less,at times...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Not Alone in the dark/John 1:1-5

"You forgave the iniquity of Your people; You covered all their sin." ~Psalm 85:2~

I detest sentences that start with "I'..nevertheless..
I had chicken pox as i child. It has returned: shingles.
Makes me laugh, for shingles are on houses.
The skin feels as like a snake shedding it's skin..causing me to ponder if ABBA Is allowing this to yet again remove the 'scales from my eyes'..let he has ears hear..
I often wonder how folks who say they are 'Christian' take offense at being rebuked.

"For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted". ~ Hebrews 2:18~
We , His disciples are so Loved. 
It is true,when one door slams shut ,another will open.
It can virtually be hell in the hallway though.

I have to walk blind ,physically for a number of hours ,that the salty tears heal my eyes.
When i am free from that chain, i value vision so much more than ever, praise God!

ABBA , in these times of tribulations let us remember You Gave Your Life for all..let us not fear the valley of the shadow of death , for where there is shadow there is Light!
We all thank You for Your Stunning Love.
We magnify Your Name.Y'Shua.
I remain your sister in Arms.

1 comment:

  1. "Now the true soldiers of Christ must always be prepared to do battle for the truth, and must never, so far as lies with them, allow false convictions to creep in."
    Topic: Perseverance
